Monday, July 10, 2006

6 month stats and other updates

We just got back from the pediatrician's office and Brendan checked out healthy. He got 5 shots and only cried when he got the last one but recovered in a few minutes. He's slowing down for height, catching up for head size and remaining steady for weight.

height: 26.5 inches, 50%
weight: 20 pounds 10 ounces, 90%
head: 17.5 inches, 50%

Feeding update

Brendan is taking a bottle! We've struggled for the past few months trying to get Brendan to take a bottle and its always been a battle. On his 6 month birthday, he decided it was time to switch and been consistantly taking the bottle easily since. This means freedom for me and Rob and Nicole can participate in the feedings.

We're continuing to try more foods and most have gone over well so far:

yum list: rice cereal, carrots, apples, peas
yuck list: sweet potatoes

Brendan is getting mobile

He keeps doing better and better with sitting up. He's also getting very good at pulling up to a standing position while holding onto your hands or other things that are placed low enough for him to reach. He's trying really hard to crawl getting up on his knees and rocking but gets frustrated when he moves farther away from where he's trying to go.

Future drum player

Brendan's latest favorite activity is to bang on pots and pans.

Rob and I went on our first evening date since Brendan was born (our first date out alone was to an afternoon movie). We went to the Chris Isaak concert with Therese (one of Rob's coworkers) while Grandma Brown babysat.

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