Sunday, July 16, 2006

blowing raspberries

We've got video (with sound) I've been playing around trying to learn how to edit our video and get it posted to the blog and I think I've got it figured out.

Brendan learned a new trick this weekend that he's quite proud of - blowing raspberries. He also thinks its very funny when we do it too.

Our little boy is growing up so fast

He also learned how to get from his stomach to a sitting position and he's trying so hard to crawl but usually ends up farther away from where he's trying to go. He has figured out how to get around by going from his tummy to sitting position and back to tummy and when he keeps repeating this he can move accross the room. Since he's mobile now, we're tring to get the playroom setup so that he has a carpeted room to romp around in. Brendan was playing in his crib after waking from a nap and I left him in his crib while I cleaned up a few things in his room. When I turned around, he had pulled himself up to a standing postion - so we lowered his crib mattress down.

One of Brendan's favorite toys is his leapfrog activty table - he's getting better at standing up to play with it though most of the time we take off 2 of the legs so that he can play with it sitting down. He loves all the different musical sounds that it makes and all the levers and buttons that move - this toy keeps him entertained for quite a long time.

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