Wednesday, May 30, 2007

17 months

17 months and 1 day (I'm late this month)

what he's up to:
  • Keeps adding more words and signs. Words:momma, daddy, cole-cole (Nicole), cat, un-oh, night-night, nap-nap, wow, no, balloon, duck, bus, socks, shoes, book, bath, ball, belly button, water, car, truck, yellow, more, all done, hat, up, banana. Also lots of animal sounds: quack-quack, ruff-ruff, hiss, meow, roar, baa, moo. Signs: milk, water, eat, hungry, more, hurt, cereal, banana, cheese, dog, cracker, shoes, flower, all done, potty, snake, mouse, horse, pig, sheep, lion, book, apple, icecream, cold, hot, airplane, car, baby.
  • Loves to find everyone's belly betton. He also knows ears, mouth, nose, hair, eyes and feet.

  • He moved his bedtime back to 6-630 and is adding to his bedtime routin. Loves to brush his teeth when he gets ready for bed. He's very into reading a book before we go to bed and we usually have to read the book several times - 3 times is my max. He also likes to go to bed with some of his friends and we must kiss each of them before he'll go to bed.
  • Loves to be outside - playing in the yard, wagon rides, trips to the playground, walking to the mailbox.

  • Loves water - bath time, playing in the sprinkler, going in the pool, using the hose, splash parks.

  • The teeth are still coming in and besides the 4 molars 2 bottom teeth are also making there way through - this explains some of the fussiness.
  • Very good at cleaning up. He knows all of his toys go in his baskets and very good about putting his legos way in their tub. He also has to make sure the caps go back on bottles and that I always put things back in their place.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007

First time in the pool this year!!!

The weather has been close to 100 degrees lately so that has been warming the pool up nicely (84-86) so we went for our first dip in this weekend. Brendan loved hanging out on the steps playing with his buckets and going over to the waterfall for some splashing.

Brendan got his third haircut this weekend. After his cut we took him to Dairy Queen and ordered him his own cone - he loves icecream and was a mess with chocolate all over his face and clothes.

I'm also posting some photos from this weekend hanging around the house. Brendan is wearing his new lobster shirt and crab hat from Gymboree - I love Gymboree clothes.

Brendan loves to play in his toy buckets

He loves the remote control and has recently learned how to push the buttons to change the channel

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Imagination Avenue

Because the summers are so hot here, Phoenix has a lot of indoor play places. Today we went to Imagination Avenue. Its a really neat place with playrooms set up as a town - firestation, hospital, grocery store, hardware store, house (lots of dress up clothes) and there's a street that goes through the town with cars to ride. There's also an air bouncer, playsets and a craft room. Brendan is a little young for pretend play (though he did keep picking up the phones to 'talk' on them) but he had fun playing with the fake food at the grocery store and the tools at the hardware store.

Rob took some photos before we left. I was trying to get Brendan to smile so I asked him to say "cheese" - so he signed cheese (palms of hands together and twist back and forth).

Sunday, May 13, 2007

happy mother's day

Happy Mother's Day to Brendan's grandmas and great-grandmas and to all the other moms who read our blog.

We started the day with a very sweet card from Rob and Brendan and an extra special gift. Then we went out for breakfast, Village Inn, and then off to Brendan's favorite place, Rio Vista Splash Park. Even with the water going it was hot! Then later in the day after naps, we took Brendan to the mall play area for more romping around.

I think these are the first photos of me on the blog with my 'new look' - no glasses (I had lasik), new hair color and cut

Thursday, May 10, 2007

back to the splash park

We decided to go to Rio Vista splash park again today - this time with a camera

And here's a photo of Brendan showing off his new cool pumas!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

water baby

Brendan LOVES to play in the water. Today we went to Rio Vista splash park and he had a blast. He was running all over, playing in the water, and getting soaked by the fountains. I took a few pictures of him all dressed in his swim outfit before we left this morning. Its been awhile since I've scrapbooked so I decided to do a quick page today.

2007 05 splashpark

I'm also including the May page from the calendar I did for 2007. Its neat to see what he looked like a year ago.
May2007 copy