Thursday, August 31, 2006


Rob's TV arrived this week as we continue to work on the playroom - this playroom is designed for little kids and big kids, too. The TV is mounted on the wall but we still need to hire an electrician to move the power outlet and we're waiting for the entertainment center to arrive (to replace the $10 Target TV stand that we're currently using).

We don't let Brendan watch much TV but to celebrate the occasion, we let him watch a Baby Einstein DVD. He was mesmerized and watched the entire thing! When he watched it 2 months ago, he lost interest about half way through.

Brendan and Daddy watching Baby Einstein

Brendan decides he needs a closer look

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

8 months

Today Brendan is 8 months old!


  • He has perfected his crawling and can get around very quickly - if you turn your head for a second, he's across the room getting into something.
  • He's also much better at pulling himself to a standing position and can play for awhile when standing at his activity table.
  • He's just started cruising taking at most 3 steps along the sofa.
  • Favorite toys are his Leap Frog activity table, submarine ball pit and maracas. He also really like the empty Huggies box that we gave him.
  • He likes to push toys around the room moving on his knees.
  • He got his first tooth - he's done pretty well with the teething though the past few nights he has woken up in the middle of the night upset. Hopefully this will pass soon.
  • He learned to wave bye-bye, though recently he has forgotten how to do it. Hopefully this will return since we think this is just so adorable.
  • He's starting to babble in addition to his bear screams (when he does this we call him out little T-Rex)
  • He's sleeping and napping well. He goes to bed around 7 and wakes around 6am though if you give him some toys he'll play in his crib for awhile. He takes 3 naps a day - 1 hour morning nap, 2 hour mid-day nap and 1 hour afternoon nap.
  • We take him to Gymboree and Babytime at the library - he loves to be around other kids and loves the songs.
  • Brendan loves bathtime. He's graduated to the big tub and loves to crawl around, splash in the water, and play with his rubber duckies.
  • He's doing better with eating babyfood - for breakfast he eats oatmeal and fruit and for lunch he wats oatmeal and a vegetable. At dinner time he perfers to wait for his evening bottle. He loves to play with his sippy cup but doesn't show much interest yet in drinking from it. He also loves to drink from our glasses, however, he just likes to put the water in his mouth and not swallow it.

Who is this a picture of??????

It looks a lot like Brendan but its actually a baby picture of Rob.

Monday, August 28, 2006

He's cruising

weekend updates

He's Cruising
On Saturday Brendan started doing some cruising along the sofa - so far the most he's gone is 3 steps.

First tooth
Sunday morning, a tooth popped through! The lower left tooth just barely broke through though he won't let anyone have a look.

some photos

bye bye

Thursday, August 24, 2006


I'm a babywearer and Brendan loves it. Since he outgrew his bjoern (which we often used several times a day for his first 6 months) we switched to a BabyHawk mei tai and an Ella Roo hip carrier. Its much easier to use when shopping instead of a stroller and useful around the house when you need your hands free.

pictures, pictures, pictures (here's your weekly dose of Brendan photos)

When it rains in AZ

it pours

Monday, August 14, 2006

Grandma Brown's Birthday

This weekend Brendan celebrated his Grandma's birthday by spending the whole day playing with her. We had a nice dinner followed by, of course, birthday cake! Then while Grandma kept an eye on Brendan, Rob and I escaped out of the house to Castles N Coasters where Rob kicked my butt at minature golf.

Friday evening, I attended my first moms club MNO event (Mom's Night Out) - it was a relaxing evening of yoga and desserts - and of course, I had to make a cake for the occasion.
Sunday morning, Brendan hosted a playgroup for our WVA mom's group and Alec and Marisa came over to play. Brendan played well with Marisa but wasn't so sure about Alec playing with his toys - not sure if its because Alec is older (he's 2 next week) or because he was playing with one of Brendan's favorite toys (which were just the 2 legs to his leap frog activity table).

Brendan gets most of the attention here on the blog so I thought it would be good to post a photo of the girls, Sara and Sammy. This is a picture of them napping in the office with me while I work.

Brendan Photos

let me out of here

playing peek-a-boo

Monday, August 07, 2006

already a soccer mom

I already feel like a soccer mom driving Brendan around to his activties. We just finished swim lessons - they were every weekday evening for 2 weeks. And we just started going to Gymboree on Saturdays. He loves being back at Gymboree - we started going when he was 6 weeks old but stopped when we moved because they didn't have weekend classes for his age group. Now that he's old enough for level 2, they have Saturday classes. Now that he can crawl he can use at lot of the play equipement. His favorite part of the class is Baby Soccer where the parents hold the baby and swing the baby to hit a beach ball in a circle. Now that swim lessons are over, we're back to going to babytime at the Glendale library on Tuesday eveings.

Brendan and Daddy at swim lessons

Brendan's favorite part of swim lessons - singing Wheels on the Bus