Tuesday, August 29, 2006

8 months

Today Brendan is 8 months old!


  • He has perfected his crawling and can get around very quickly - if you turn your head for a second, he's across the room getting into something.
  • He's also much better at pulling himself to a standing position and can play for awhile when standing at his activity table.
  • He's just started cruising taking at most 3 steps along the sofa.
  • Favorite toys are his Leap Frog activity table, submarine ball pit and maracas. He also really like the empty Huggies box that we gave him.
  • He likes to push toys around the room moving on his knees.
  • He got his first tooth - he's done pretty well with the teething though the past few nights he has woken up in the middle of the night upset. Hopefully this will pass soon.
  • He learned to wave bye-bye, though recently he has forgotten how to do it. Hopefully this will return since we think this is just so adorable.
  • He's starting to babble in addition to his bear screams (when he does this we call him out little T-Rex)
  • He's sleeping and napping well. He goes to bed around 7 and wakes around 6am though if you give him some toys he'll play in his crib for awhile. He takes 3 naps a day - 1 hour morning nap, 2 hour mid-day nap and 1 hour afternoon nap.
  • We take him to Gymboree and Babytime at the library - he loves to be around other kids and loves the songs.
  • Brendan loves bathtime. He's graduated to the big tub and loves to crawl around, splash in the water, and play with his rubber duckies.
  • He's doing better with eating babyfood - for breakfast he eats oatmeal and fruit and for lunch he wats oatmeal and a vegetable. At dinner time he perfers to wait for his evening bottle. He loves to play with his sippy cup but doesn't show much interest yet in drinking from it. He also loves to drink from our glasses, however, he just likes to put the water in his mouth and not swallow it.

Who is this a picture of??????

It looks a lot like Brendan but its actually a baby picture of Rob.

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