Monday, August 14, 2006

Grandma Brown's Birthday

This weekend Brendan celebrated his Grandma's birthday by spending the whole day playing with her. We had a nice dinner followed by, of course, birthday cake! Then while Grandma kept an eye on Brendan, Rob and I escaped out of the house to Castles N Coasters where Rob kicked my butt at minature golf.

Friday evening, I attended my first moms club MNO event (Mom's Night Out) - it was a relaxing evening of yoga and desserts - and of course, I had to make a cake for the occasion.
Sunday morning, Brendan hosted a playgroup for our WVA mom's group and Alec and Marisa came over to play. Brendan played well with Marisa but wasn't so sure about Alec playing with his toys - not sure if its because Alec is older (he's 2 next week) or because he was playing with one of Brendan's favorite toys (which were just the 2 legs to his leap frog activity table).

Brendan gets most of the attention here on the blog so I thought it would be good to post a photo of the girls, Sara and Sammy. This is a picture of them napping in the office with me while I work.

Brendan Photos

let me out of here

playing peek-a-boo

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