Sunday, October 29, 2006

First trip to the State Fair

On Saturday we all went to the Arizona State Fair. Brendan's favorite things were the animals and the game where you roll the ball up the ramp to get the race horse to move (he was just cheering us along but he liked the sounds of the game). We came home with several Curious George stuffed animals (Rob won the large one!) and a large floppy puppy (I won that one). And of course we ate - pizza, hotdogs, roasted corn, snow cones and fry bread. We took Brendan on his first ride, a merry-go-round, but he wasn't too sure about it and end up snuggling against me until the ride was over - it was a loud and getting near his nap time.Brendan, Dana and Nicole on the merry-go-round

Brendan hugging the Curious George that Daddy won

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