Friday, June 29, 2007

Brendan is 1 1/2 years old!

what he's up to:

  • Keeps adding more words and signs - this is the last month I'll post a list because he's got so many words I can't keep up. Words:momma, dadda, cole-cole (Nicole), cat, un-oh, night-night, nap-nap, wow, no, balloon, duck, bus, socks, shoes, book, bath, ball, belly button, water, car, truck, more, all done, hat, up, banana, fruit, pretzel, sit, apple, two. Also lots of animal sounds: quack-quack, ruff-ruff, hiss, meow, roar, baa, moo. Signs: milk, water, eat, hungry, more, hurt, cereal, banana, cheese, dog, cracker, shoes, flower, all done, potty, snake, mouse, horse, pig, sheep, lion, fish, rabbit, book, apple, icecream, cold, hot, airplane, car, baby, strawberry, dirty, clean, sit, girl, boy, monkey, hippo, giraffe, elephant, chicken, doll, donkey, bread.

  • Loves to find everyone's belly betton.

  • He moved his bedtime back to 630 and wakes around 7 (and sometimes even 8) - he's a good sleeper.

  • Loves loves loves water - bath time, playing in the sprinkler, going in the pool, using the hose, splash parks. He loves to dunk himself in the pool.

  • Finally has most of his teeth - still waiting on the last 4 so he has big gaps between the front teeth and his molars.

  • Loves to play ball - kicking, throwing, hitting. We signed him up for Soccer Tots class to give him a chance to run around indoors since its too hot outside.

  • His current favorite toy is a golf set- since we got it for him a week ago he spends most of his playtime running around with the clubs or trying to hit the balls. He also loves his play fruit, cars, and books.

  • He's doing better with eating but still a limited number of foods that he will eat. His favorite foods are pretzels, icecream, grapes, bananas, strawberries and blueberries. Still no vegetables unless I sneak them in as bread or sweet potato fries.

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