Saturday, July 21, 2007


There's a new blog link on our 'blog and family website links" list - The Liu family. Leslie and Steve recently welcomed their new son Ryan into the world a few weeks ago. Leslie was a college roommate through most of college and I met Steve my first year of school.

Also, Brendan has a new cousin (second cousin) - we haven't met her yet but she looks like a cutie on her baby announcement.

In other news, Brendan had his 18 month check-up. Checked out healthy and he impressed the doctor when she asked him to look at the zebra on her stethascope and he signed zebra.
weight: 26.6 pounds, 50-75 percentile
height: 33 3/4 inches, 90 percentile
head: 19 inches, 75 percentile
These days he's mostly wearing size 2T clothes and few tops in 3T.

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