Thursday, August 30, 2007

20 months

20 months - he's almost a 2!

What he's up to these days:

  • adding more words and signs every day which makes it easier to communicate with him.
  • loves to color! he spends a lot of time each day sitting at his little table and coloring. He'll hand you a crayon so that you can join him. He also likes markers - we use the cool Crayola colorwonder ones that only work on their special paper.
  • says Hi to everyone
  • loves to clean - use the swiffer, sweep, and dust. He also will find the small piece of trash on the floor and keep saying "yuck" until you take it from him.
  • Starting to try more foods though mostly sticks with his regular foods. He has started eating cheese and a few bites of carrots and tomatoes (vegetables!). And he LOVES bacon.
  • loves dancing to music - he keeps adding new moves!
  • calls himself "de-do" - not sure how Brendan translates to "de-do"
  • he knows about a third of the alphabet and his favorite is O - he always points it out when he sees it in a book or on a piece of clothing.

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