Tuesday, September 25, 2007

photo post

The cake and chocolate business has been going great so its been hard to keep up with the family blog - here's a few photos to catch up.

He loves music and we caught him using my curling iron as a microphone. We've since bought him a toy microphone which he loves.

signing into the curling iron

signing into the curling iron 2

He also will turn anything into a phone - here he is talking on a remote

talking on the phone

Checking on Sara-cat

watching sara-cat

He loves to 'read' his books


reading 2

Brendan has a little tent in his room the he likes to play in or read his books (and it was an awesome Taget bargain on clearence for $7!)

brendan's house

Brendan in his hosue

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brendan is the cutest toddler ever!!! <3 Aunt Allison