Thursday, November 29, 2007

23 months

only 1 more month until he turns 2!

What he's up to:

  • loves to spend time outside, going for walks, and going to the playground

  • loves to pretend to talk on the phone

  • starting to learn to says his numbers and sing the alphabet - but each time he has a different version

  • continuing to expand his vocabulary - his favorite word seems to be mess (and he's always making one). Learning to say his name ("rendan") - instead of "de-do" which is what he used to call himself. Now "de-do" has become our nickname for him.

  • likes to dip his food - ketchup, syrup, soy sauce

  • loves motorcycles - when we're driving around he keeps asking to see "more" - living in Phoenix, motorcycles are pretty common

  • he's a greeter - everywhere he goes he says hi to everyone. And when we're at an activity, he runs over to say hi when someone new arrives.

  • used the potty - he asked to use it and went! no repeats though and we're not pushing it yet. They teach it at his preschool he's starting in January.

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