Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Brendan's two months old

Well, there isn't actually a 2 month birthday since there isn't a February 29th this year, so we're celebrating it today. If Dana had the time she'd like to make him a cake, but he normally doesn't sit still long enough to give her a chance.

He had a check up at the doctor and they confirmed that he's a big boy (and that he's a little flirt). Here's the particulars:

Weight: 14 lb 8 oz 93rd percentile
Height: 23 3/4 in 80th percentile
Head circumference: 38 cm (not sure on the percentile)

So, he eats alot. OK, a HECK of a lot.

He's gotten over his little cold. We got the humidifier and he seems to like that. He went to his Gymboree class with him mom and Grandma Leslie. He really like when they sing to him and he had fun playing with the parachute. He loves to look at other little babies. Dana likes talking to the other moms to get a sense of how he's doing relative to other little ones. I also learned that he likes it when I whistle along to the toddler music cd's that we play for him.

Brendan's Grandma Pat is coming to town next weekend so I'm sure he'll like all that extra attention.

So, on with the pictures:

He likes to be tickled.

Our son.

Our son, again.

A barrel full of monkeys.

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