Thursday, March 29, 2007

15 months

I can't believe how fast he is changing every day and constantly learning new things. Today Brendan had his 15 month checkup - he checked out healthy and got 3 shots.

What he's up to:

  • lots of babbles - he can have an entire conversation with someone and you'll have no idea what he's talking about. He also keeps adding more words (momma, daddy, cat, meow, ruff-ruff for dog, un-oh, wow, no, balloon, vroom for car and airplane, quack-quack, duck, bus, socks) and signs (milk, eat, hungry, more, hurt, cereal, banana, dog, cracker).
  • Full of energy and doesn't stay in one place for very long
  • weighed in at 25 pounds 4 ounces at his 15 month checkup. Thats a gain of only 4 ounces mostly because he has cut back in how much he eats and is so active. Its nice to finally have him wear the same clothes for a few months - mostly he's wearing size 24 months/2T these days.
  • Loves to go get the mail everyday. He loves to have his own piece of mail to carry home. Also, he has to find a special stick during out walk.
  • His 2 favorite toys right now are a basket of plastic Easter eggs and Baby Einstein flash cards which he loves to sort through and look at the pictures. He also loves his sand toys and would happy to spend all his time outside if we let him.
  • Still loves to bop and dance to music and play with his musical instrument toys (or anything else that he can bang on like a drum)
  • Has perfected the temper tantrum. He's best at it when its close to his bedtime and will roll around on the floor arching his back and saying "no" over and over again.
  • He gives lots of kisses and hugs. This makes up for the item listed above.


weight 25.4, 50-75%
height 32 3/4 inches, 75%
head 19.5 inches, 90%

Sunday, March 25, 2007

playing in the yard

We had great weather this weekend so we spent a lot of time out in our yard.

when can we go swimming?

playing ball in the grass

playing in the sand

cleanup time

Friday, March 23, 2007

chugga chugga choo choo

Wednesday we went to the McCormick-Stillman Railroad park in Scottsdale with my friend Michele and her son. The weather this week was a little cooler so that was great. Its a cool park with a train ride, train cars, a museum, playground and a building for a few local model train clubs. And its free to get in and the rides are just $1. Brendan loved going on the train ride though his favorite part was watching the train each time it went by and waving to the passengers. He also loved hearing the train whistle. They also had a carousel which he was fascinated with when he saw it and kept signing dog (which I think was for the horses). Brendan had been on one at the fair and he didn't like it but that was a few months ago and at the end of a long day so we decided to try it again - as soon as we got on he started crying and clinging to me. No more carousel rides for awhile.

Thursday we were supposed to go see the Padres (Brendan's hometown team) spring training game against the Cubs with my MOMS club. The Padres play at Peoria Stadium, only about 15 minutes from our house. But it was raining so we decided not to go. Brendan was fascinated by the rain so I took him outside and we sat on our porch bench and we watch the rain - it was quite a downboard and he thought this was great. I think he had more fun with this than if we had gone to the game.

Easter is getting closer! I love Easter - all the decorations and the candy. Last night I pulled out all the decorations and put up the Easter Egg tree (I'll post a photo later). The tree is safe from Brendan because he hasn't learned how to climb yet - its the cats that I'm more worried about so I haven't put the really special eggs on yet. Brendan has been having playing with the plastic easter eggs and putting them all in the easter basket.

Friday we took Brendan for his second haircut. He didn't like it as much as the first time and ended up crying during his cut. I think he likes it better when Daddy takes him. He quickly recovered from the drama and once home he was acting extra goofy. Here are some photos of the boy - first he was running around with his hands over his eyes and then he switched to covering his ears.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

gotta dance to the music

Brendan just LOVES to dance anytime he hears music. We caught him doing some bopping on Saturday

St Patrick's Day

Brendan was wearing his green! Well on the 13th actually but we had a MOMs club day at the park and St Patrick's Day celebration. The kids played pin the gold on the rainbow, searched for gold coins, and snacked on green foods.

I tried to get a picture of Brendan as we were getting ready to leave but he didn't want to slow down long enough to pose. He was running around with everything he could find - cat toys and potatoes from the pantry.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Brendan and his bat

Brendan loves to play with the wiffle ball bat. We've been spending a lot more time playing in our yard now that the weather has been great and we have a landscaped backyard.

I decided to try out some of the settings I learned in the intro to Nikon SLRs I took at the Ritz store last week - I'm still playing with the auto settings, though I have a lighting and aperture classes in a few weeks so I'll wait for manual modes until then. Brendan was more interested in playing with his bat and running around the yard instead of posing for the camera.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

14 months

I'm a little late with this post but I had some blogger technical difficulties and Brendan doesn't have a 14 month birthday in February.

what he's up to:

  • He continues to be a very active kid, non-stop running around
  • He loves to be outside - playing in the grass with the soccer ball, playing in the sand, going to the playground, and going for wagon rides. He goes down the slide by himself now and bursts out in giggles when he gets to the bottom
  • He has learned to walk backwards
  • He's becoming a little helper. He's really good at putting away his toys when we tell him it clean-up time. He will also hand you his clothes when we're hanging them up in the closet or when I'm dusting he likes to have his own cloth to help.
  • Lots of babbling and some words - his new words are meow and balloon. We also started to teach him sign languge using the Signing Time videos. He loves to watch the videos and dance to the music and has learned some signs: dog, fish, more, milk, eat.
  • He's doing much better at eating and is starting to eat a little bit more variety - the new food he has most recently added is chicken. Still not a fan of vegetable, cheese, or other meats. His favorite food is bananas. He's also getting better with using a spoon but it helps if the food sticks to the spoon like oatmeal - the yogurt ends up flying around the room as the moves the spoon towards his mouth.
  • He loves to dance - he'll rock on his feet or spin in circles. He also loves to pound on drums. We're still going to Music Together every Saturday and he's really learned a lot since we started the class - he'll 'sing' to the songs, pound on the floor to the beat and his dancing has become much more animated.