What he's up to:
- lots of babbles - he can have an entire conversation with someone and you'll have no idea what he's talking about. He also keeps adding more words (momma, daddy, cat, meow, ruff-ruff for dog, un-oh, wow, no, balloon, vroom for car and airplane, quack-quack, duck, bus, socks) and signs (milk, eat, hungry, more, hurt, cereal, banana, dog, cracker).
- Full of energy and doesn't stay in one place for very long
- weighed in at 25 pounds 4 ounces at his 15 month checkup. Thats a gain of only 4 ounces mostly because he has cut back in how much he eats and is so active. Its nice to finally have him wear the same clothes for a few months - mostly he's wearing size 24 months/2T these days.
- Loves to go get the mail everyday. He loves to have his own piece of mail to carry home. Also, he has to find a special stick during out walk.
- His 2 favorite toys right now are a basket of plastic Easter eggs and Baby Einstein flash cards which he loves to sort through and look at the pictures. He also loves his sand toys and would happy to spend all his time outside if we let him.
- Still loves to bop and dance to music and play with his musical instrument toys (or anything else that he can bang on like a drum)
- Has perfected the temper tantrum. He's best at it when its close to his bedtime and will roll around on the floor arching his back and saying "no" over and over again.
- He gives lots of kisses and hugs. This makes up for the item listed above.
weight 25.4, 50-75%
height 32 3/4 inches, 75%
head 19.5 inches, 90%