Tuesday, March 06, 2007

14 months

I'm a little late with this post but I had some blogger technical difficulties and Brendan doesn't have a 14 month birthday in February.

what he's up to:

  • He continues to be a very active kid, non-stop running around
  • He loves to be outside - playing in the grass with the soccer ball, playing in the sand, going to the playground, and going for wagon rides. He goes down the slide by himself now and bursts out in giggles when he gets to the bottom
  • He has learned to walk backwards
  • He's becoming a little helper. He's really good at putting away his toys when we tell him it clean-up time. He will also hand you his clothes when we're hanging them up in the closet or when I'm dusting he likes to have his own cloth to help.
  • Lots of babbling and some words - his new words are meow and balloon. We also started to teach him sign languge using the Signing Time videos. He loves to watch the videos and dance to the music and has learned some signs: dog, fish, more, milk, eat.
  • He's doing much better at eating and is starting to eat a little bit more variety - the new food he has most recently added is chicken. Still not a fan of vegetable, cheese, or other meats. His favorite food is bananas. He's also getting better with using a spoon but it helps if the food sticks to the spoon like oatmeal - the yogurt ends up flying around the room as the moves the spoon towards his mouth.
  • He loves to dance - he'll rock on his feet or spin in circles. He also loves to pound on drums. We're still going to Music Together every Saturday and he's really learned a lot since we started the class - he'll 'sing' to the songs, pound on the floor to the beat and his dancing has become much more animated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

14 months is a great age to start signing. I am gald he is enjoying Signing Time! Thanks for sharing Signing Time with others... and KEEP signing!