Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year's Eve

Just a short update today.

Brendan is doing well. His appetite has really picked up so he spent much of the night in Dana's arms. While that let me get a good night's sleep it left Dana a little tired. She's tried to sneak a nap ot two in today, but Brendan's been looking for something to eat most of the day. He doesn't really cry about it, but licks his lips and roots around. I guess you might call him a "milk junkie". Good thing Karen Yamada sent us an appropriate hat. Thanks Karen!!

You can see pretty clearly that Brendan's developed himself a little rash on his face. Dr. said it was normal and will go away, so they don't even treat it. He's also getting a little yellow on his face. They tested for jaundice, but was negative. They were going to test again later, but again, they said nothing to worry about.

They drew some blood today for the PKU test and he didn't even cry for a second. I'm impressed with his stoicism (must have inherited THAT trait from Dana).

Dana, Brendan and I took a few laps around the nurses station last night and again this afternoon. She needs to keep moving to aid in her recovery, and she's doing a great job. She's got her appetite back and is craving some salt so I came home to pick up a bag of Goldfish.

Here's a picture of the flowers we've received from her boss and her dad. Thanks again!

More later.



Anonymous said...

It's only just begining, before you know it they are eating you out of house and home :) What's the weight and length of the handsome chap?

Anonymous said...

Congrat's on your BNB!!! Great name - beautiful baby! What a surpise to find the news on my mail! Al and I are happy every thing came out so fine.

Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR and wishing you three the very best!- Health, Happiness and Prosperity!

Terry Ann, Al & Bix Vanilla