Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Brendan had a good day.

Brendan continues to do very well. He spent all day with his Momma and even gave her a chance to catch a little nap. He spent most of the day sitting in his boppy watching Dana and holding her hand. This is what he looked like around lunch time when I came out of the office to check on my family unit.

He napped in his papasan swing while we had dinner (Sesame Garlic Chicken from Dream Dinners ). Afterwards we gave him a little tummy time in the living room.

Shortly after this picture was taken we had the biggest hazardous waste spill to date. I noticed that his diaper needed changing so I tried to get away with changing him right there. As soon as I got him out of his diaper he delivered a number 1 which missed me, but got all over the blanket he was lying on. So we wiped him down and got ready to put his new diaper on when the other shoe dropped. That's right, a lovely number 2 right then and there. After much wiping we got him diapered up and dressed. Lesson diaper changes without a changing pad.

Hanging out with momma, lots to eat, a nice poop that got dad running was a very good day for Brendan.

Tomorrow Brendan has a Dr. appointment so we'll have some updated measurements to share.

This is a picture taken yesterday of Brendan wearing his new outfit from his cousin Audra. Thanks Aud!!

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